
Kia ora World

It's hard to believe, but it's already been two weeks since we launched our website and our call for proposals. It's been a long road to get here, so a few thank-you's are in order.

Firstly, a very, very big thank you to NZ On Air and The New Zealand Film Commission for recognising the value of this project and enabling us to make it happen.

Thanks also to:

Our advisory team: James Franklin, Amie Mills, Karl Sheridan, Hugh Sundae and David White.

Our media partner The New Zealand Herald.

Our crowdfunding partner PledgeMe

And to Assemble for creating our fantastic logo and website.

To everyone who who has offered advice, assistance, encouragement and support, thank you; we really couldn't have done it without you.

We have spent several years working to make Loading Docs a reality because we are passionate about the importance of New Zealand documentary. We wanted to create a platform for filmmakers that would support them to tell the kinds of stories that aren't being told elsewhere; to encourage creativity and innovation; create a passionate community of documentary filmmakers and documentary fans and to explore ways that we can create a more sustainable future for documentary in New Zealand.

Loading Docs is a small project with big ambition. We would like to see Loading Docs films on screens (big and small) all over the world, not just on TVs and in cinemas but on airplanes and buses, on billboards in New York, in waiting rooms, festivals, elevators... maybe even on a space station. Each film is a message from New Zealand to the world that speaks of us, our talent and our potential.

To realise this goal we're going to need a lot of help, starting now. Please spread the word about Loading Docs. Tell your filmmaking friends and your film-loving friends. Like us, follow us, talk to us! We welcome your ideas and invite you to be part of the Loading Docs community.

Once again, we really can't say it enough... THANK YOU!

Anna and Julia


We made a video to tell the world about Loading Docs' call for proposals. Just like the Loading Docs films, feel free to share or embed.
Remember, submissions close on 25 November!

Loading Docs call for proposals from Loading Docs on Vimeo.


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