
Special Guest Jason Sondhi to attend Loading Docs Launch

Special Guest Jason Sondhi to attend Loading Docs Launch

Loading Docs is thrilled to announce that filmmaker, writer, and short film expert, Jason Sondhi will be attending the Loading Docs launch on May 27 as our very special guest.  He will also be running an exclusive masterclass with our filmmakers. Jason is the co-founder of the the influential website “Short of the Week”, has been a Curator for Vimeo since 2011 and was honoured as one of Filmmaker Magazine’s “25 New Faces of Film” in 2011.

Jason believes that short filmmaking is uniquely positioned to expand the definition of storytelling in our digital era, and endeavours to grow the audiences that can sustain these new innovative voices. We're very excited that he will be sharing his knowledge and expertise with our filmmakers.


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